Friday, January 18, 2008

The March of the Penguin

I know that with pregnancy comes waves of emotions - highs and lows; anger and bliss; and crying because you're happy, sad or you don't even know why. Well, the other night I was in a crying mood. The reason why I started to cry now is really funny, but at the time certainly was not.

On Wednesday night Davey was cooking dinner while I read one of many pregnancy books that was lent to me. I flipped to a page that talks about how women "waddle" in their third trimester. Now this isn't anything new. I've seen women waddle and I've thought they looked cute. However, no matter how cute I thought she may be, I never imagined myself as that waddler. At that moment it occurred to me that I am going to be THAT waddler! No matter how cute I may be (which I hope is the case) the only thing I will be aware of is that I look like a penguin. I'll probably feel fat and before I know it .... I'll be walking around like an emperor penguin.

So naturally I burst into tears. I was sobbing uncontrolably but could not and did not want to tell Davey why.

Davey: "Awwww..... what's the matter?" as he hugs me.
Me: Shrugs my shoulders.
Davey: "Just one of those moments, hey?"
Me: "I gu-gu-guess sa-sa-sa-sssso."
We sat down and I put my head on his lap.
Me: "Davey, I don't want to waddle."
Davey: "Uh..... huh?"
Me: "Will you laugh at me if I waddle?"
Davey: "Of course not! You'll look so cute when you waddle."
Me: Sniffles, "I don't want to look like a penguin."
Davey: "Baby, all pregnant women waddle. It's just because you're joints are getting looser through your hips for when it's time for the baby to come."
Me: "I know... but can we not call it 'waddling'...."
Davey: "Of course, we can call it the pregnant strut."

I'm not sure if he was making fun of me or the situation but it seemed to help. This was about a 1/2 hour worth of sobbing. My poor husband.

This event ended with me asking if we can watch the "March of the Penguins" together. I loved that movie and he didn't want to watch it before ... but I know he'll like it.



Trudy said...

Janelle, check out this site. Apparently you can win great baby things just by commenting on her posts. My nephews wife won a gorgeous diaper bag worth over $100.00. It is an online store of cool things.

Mission Musings said...

This is hysterical. Oh the things I miss being barren. Waddling. Spit up. Crying uncontrollably. Oh, wait, I do that one sometimes. (wink)