Tuesday, February 19, 2008

You know when you're at the right place at the right time and you can't believe your good fortune? Well, that happened to me on Friday. I was in Sherwood Park for a work presentation and had some time to kill so I went to Home Sense. I didn't have any money on me, which I thought was a good thing so I couldn't impulsively purchase some novelty item. Well, of all the days for me to assume I'd just find a novelty item and not something we actually need. (*side note: Dave would argue that this item was indeed a novelty and something we don't need just yet.)

I was looking through the children's section and low and behold there it was - the most unbelievably, perfect rug for our baby's room.... that is if our baby is a girl. I was blown away by the rarity of finding something that is actually our style designed for a toddler. This rug is maybe 4 feet by 3 feet. It has a bubble-gum pink boarder about 3" thick and the main focus of the rug is indeed leopard print! It also has two pink flowers on it.

As soon as I got home I told Davey all about it. Unfortunately when the moment came for him to see it, and essentially for us to purchase it, it was a rather anticlimactic moment. Granted, he's a guy and can’t appreciate how incredibly awesome this rug is like I do. Logically I realize that we don't know the gender yet ... but if our baby is a boy, I will find a place for this small, 50 dollar treasure.

These past couple weeks have been a whirlwind and have flown by. I’m steadily getting rounder in the middle and the majority of my clothes don’t fit anymore. My mom took me shopping for my birthday and spoiled me (*thank you mom!) so now I can breathe while wearing pants.

One of my big frustrations right now is why do maternity clothes look like they were designed for 40 year old women? Don't get me wrong, I love the clothes I got and they are perfect for work. However, most of the tops I've looked at since seriously look like something older women would prefer. (*another side note: I realize 40 is the new 30 and I really don't mean to offend anyone here but this is a really discouraging reality.)

We are now in the process of finding a new place to live and all those “wonderful” decisions that come along with that - Do we rent? Should we look into buying? I’m not too stressed and I know what ever happens, it will all work out.

Until next time....



Monday, February 4, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Sorry for the delay but I was experiencing some technical difficulties…..

After a tumultuous start to our trip, the 18th Annual (my 2nd) Russ Reid Mission's Development Conference went really well.

We were scheduled to leave at 8:00 am on Tuesday morning but we were delayed by almost 2 1/2 hours. That morning was SO cold we had to wait for the sun to rise, thus in turn for the temperature to rise to -37. We boarded the plane at 10, where we watched the airport crew de-ice the plane.

Fortunately at 10:30 we took off and it was a very smooth flight.
I was going to post a couple of pictures up but for some reason Blogger doesn't want to upload any at this time. However, I will post the de-icing of the plane photo as soon as I can.

Baby Update:

I've been feeling slightly more energetic than I was last month. However, I have been getting that stretching feeling throughout my stomach muscles and sides. I've also been a lot more irritable lately. Of course it isn't intentional so I apologize in advance incase I snap at anyone. It seems that I'm most irritable at work. I'm not entirely sure why .... maybe it's because I'm usually sleeping or doing something unproductive when I'm at home. Speaking of which, I could really go for a nap right now.

